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NChisquare {base}R Documentation

The Non-Central Chi-Square Distribution


These functions provide information about the non-central chi-square distribution with df degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter lambda. dnchisq gives the density, pnchisq gives the distribution function, qnchisq gives the quantile function and rnchisq generates random deviates.

The non-central chi-square distribution with df degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter \lambda has density

f(x) = e^{-\lambda / 2} \sum_{r=0}^\infty \frac{\lambda^r}{2^r r!} \, \mathrm{pchisq}(x, df + 2r)

for x \ge 0.


dnchisq(x, df, lambda)
pnchisq(q, df, lambda)
qnchisq(p, df, lambda)
rnchisq(n, df, lambda)

See Also

dchisq, dgamma.


pnchisq(1, df = 3, lambda = 0) == pchisq(1, df = 3)
pnchisq(1, df = 3, lambda = 0:4)

[Package base version 0.60 ]