This help topic is for R version 0.60. For the current version of R, try
remove {base}R Documentation

Remove Objects from a Specified Environment


remove and rm can be used to remove objects. These can be specified successively as character strings, or in the character vector list, or through a combination of both. All objects thus specified will be removed.

If envir is NULL then the the currently active environment is searched first.

If inherits is TRUE then parents of the supplied directory are searched until a variable with the given name is encountered. A warning is printed for each variable that is not found.


remove(..., list = character(0), pos = -1, envir =,
       inherits = FALSE)
rm    (..., list = character(0), pos = -1, envir =,
       inherits = FALSE)

See Also

ls, objects

[Package base version 0.60 ]