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savePlot {grDevices}R Documentation

Save Windows Plot to a File


Saves the current plot on a windows device to a file.


savePlot(filename = "Rplot",
         type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp",
                  "tif", "tiff", "ps", "eps", "pdf"),
         device = dev.cur(),
         restoreConsole = TRUE)



The filename under which to save the plot. Tilde-expansion (see path.expand is supported.


The type of plot, Windows metafile, PNG, JPEG, BMP (Windows bitmap format), TIFF, PostScript or PDF.


A device number of a windows device, by default the current device.


See the ‘Details’ section of windows.


This is equivalent to selecting the ‘Save as’ menu item on the ‘File’ menu of a windows device.

If filename does not include a dot (‘.’), savePlot will add the file type as an extension; that is, the filename will be set to paste(filename,type,"."). If a dot is present in filename, the filename is assumed to include an extension and is used without change.

Using filename as "clipboard" or "" with type = "wmf" will copy to the clipboard.

Types "eps" and "ps" are the same thing apart from the extension for the default filename. Similarly "wmf"/"emf", "jpeg"/"jpg" and "tiff"/"tif".

JPEG quality is 75%, and TIFF is saved without compression.


None, but a plot file will be created.


There is a similar function of the same name but more types for windoew devices on Windows.

See Also

png, dev.print

[Package grDevices version 2.9.0 ]