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grid.pack {grid}R Documentation

Pack an Object within a Frame


This functions, together with grid.frame and frameGrob are part of a GUI-builder-like interface to constructing graphical images. The idea is that you create a frame with grid.frame or frameGrob then use this functions to pack objects into the frame.


grid.pack(gPath, grob, redraw = TRUE, side = NULL,
          row = NULL, row.before = NULL, row.after = NULL,
          col = NULL, col.before = NULL, col.after = NULL,
          width = NULL, height = NULL,
          force.width = FALSE, force.height = FALSE, border = NULL,
          dynamic = FALSE)

packGrob(frame, grob, side = NULL,
          row = NULL, row.before = NULL, row.after = NULL,
          col = NULL, col.before = NULL, col.after = NULL,
          width = NULL, height = NULL,
          force.width = FALSE, force.height = FALSE, border = NULL,
          dynamic = FALSE)



A gPath object, which specifies a frame on the display list.


An object of class frame, typically the output from a call to grid.frame.


An object of class grob. The object to be packed.


A boolean indicating whether the output should be updated.


One of "left", "top", "right", "bottom" to indicate which side to pack the object on.


Which row to add the object to. Must be between 1 and the-number-of-rows-currently-in-the-frame + 1, or NULL in which case the object occupies all rows.


Add the object to a new row just before this row.


Add the object to a new row just after this row.


Which col to add the object to. Must be between 1 and the-number-of-cols-currently-in-the-frame + 1, or NULL in which case the object occupies all cols.


Add the object to a new col just before this col.


Add the object to a new col just after this col.


Specifies the width of the column that the object is added to (rather than allowing the width to be taken from the object).


Specifies the height of the row that the object is added to (rather than allowing the height to be taken from the object).


A logical value indicating whether the width of the column that the grob is being packed into should be EITHER the width specified in the call to grid.pack OR the maximum of that width and the pre-existing width.


A logical value indicating whether the height of the column that the grob is being packed into should be EITHER the height specified in the call to grid.pack OR the maximum of that height and the pre-existing height.


A unit object of length 4 indicating the borders around the object.


If the width/height is taken from the grob being packed, this boolean flag indicates whether the grobwidth/height unit refers directly to the grob, or uses a gPath to the grob. In the latter case, changes to the grob will trigger a recalculation of the width/height.


packGrob modifies the given frame grob and returns the modified frame grob.

grid.pack destructively modifies a frame grob on the display list (and redraws the display list if redraw is TRUE).

These are (meant to be) very flexible functions. There are many different ways to specify where the new object is to be added relative to the objects already in the frame. The function checks that the specification is not self-contradictory.

NOTE that the width/height of the row/col that the object is added to is taken from the object itself unless the width/height is specified.


packGrob returns a frame grob, but grid.pack returns NULL.


Paul Murrell

See Also

grid.frame,, grid.edit, and gPath.

[Package grid version 2.9.0 ]