as_huxtable or as_hux converts an object to a huxtable. Conversion methods exist for data frames and tibbles, tables, ftables, matrices and (most) vectors.

as_huxtable(x, ...)

as_hux(x, ...)

# Default S3 method
  add_colnames = getOption("huxtable.add_colnames", TRUE),
  add_rownames = FALSE,
  autoformat = getOption("huxtable.autoformat", TRUE),

# S3 method for class 'grouped_df'
as_huxtable(x, ..., groups_to_headers = FALSE)





Object to convert.


Arguments passed on to huxtable().


If TRUE, add a first row of column names to the huxtable.


If TRUE or a character string, add a first column of row names to the huxtable. The string gives the name for the new column (or "rownames" for TRUE).


If TRUE, automatically format columns by type. See below.


Logical. Convert groups to header rows?


An object of class "huxtable".


is_hux[table] tests if an object is a huxtable.

For table objects, add_colnames and add_rownames are TRUE by default. For matrix objects, they are FALSE. Other classes use options("huxtable.add_colnames"), which is TRUE by default; add_rownames is FALSE.

For dplyr::grouped_df() objects, groups will be converted to header rows if groups_to_headers is TRUE.


dfr <- data.frame(
        a = 1:5,
        b = letters[1:5],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#>                                      a   b        
#>                                      1   a        
#>                                      2   b        
#>                                      3   c        
#>                                      4   d        
#>                                      5   e        
#> Column names: a, b
mx <- matrix(letters[1:12], 4, 3)
as_huxtable(mx, add_colnames = FALSE)
#>                              a       e       i      
#>                              b       f       j      
#>                              c       g       k      
#>                              d       h       l      
#> Column names: V1, V2, V3
tbl <- table(
        Wool    = warpbreaks$wool,
        Tension = warpbreaks$tension
as_huxtable(tbl) # adds row and column names by default
#>                                      L      M   H     
#>                               A      9      9   9     
#>                               B      9      9   9     
#> Column names: rownames, L, M, H

# adding rownames:
as_hux(mtcars[1:3,], add_colnames = TRUE,
      add_rownames = "Car")
#>                      Car    mpg   cyl   disp    hp   drat     wt  
#>                    Mazda   21       6    160   110   3.9    2.62  
#>                      RX4                                          
#>                    Mazda   21       6    160   110   3.9    2.88  
#>                  RX4 Wag                                          
#>                   Datsun   22.8     4    108    93   3.85   2.32  
#>                      710                                          
#> Column names: Car, mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb
#> 7/12 columns shown.

if (requireNamespace("dplyr")) {
  iris_grp <- dplyr::group_by(iris[c(1:4, 51:54, 101:104), ], Species)
  as_hux(iris_grp, groups_to_headers = TRUE)
#>             Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width   Petal.Length   Petal.Width  
#>             Species: setosa                                          
#>                      5.1           3.5            1.4           0.2  
#>                      4.9           3              1.4           0.2  
#>                      4.7           3.2            1.3           0.2  
#>                      4.6           3.1            1.5           0.2  
#>             Species: versicolor                                      
#>                      7             3.2            4.7           1.4  
#>                      6.4           3.2            4.5           1.5  
#>                      6.9           3.1            4.9           1.5  
#>                      5.5           2.3            4             1.3  
#>             Species: virginica                                       
#>                      6.3           3.3            6             2.5  
#>                      5.8           2.7            5.1           1.9  
#>                      7.1           3              5.9           2.1  
#>                      6.3           2.9            5.6           1.8  
#> Column names: Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width