If number_format is:

  • numeric, numbers will be rounded to that many decimal places;

  • character, it will be used as an argument to sprintf();

  • a function, the function will be applied to the numbers;

  • NA, then numbers will not be formatted (except by conversion with as.character).

number_format(ht) <- value
set_number_format(ht, row, col, value )
map_number_format(ht, row, col, fn)



A huxtable.


A row specifier. See rowspecs for details.


An optional column specifier.


A mapping function. See mapping-functions for details.


A character or integer vector,

Note that setting to NA does not reset to the default.


number_format() returns the number_format property. set_number_format() returns the modified huxtable.


Number formatting is applied to any parts of cells that look like numbers. The exception is exponents in scientific notation; huxtable attempts to detect and ignore these.

The default value is "%.3g", which rounds numbers if they have more than 3 significant digits, and which may use scientific notation for large numbers.

Note that if your cells are of type numeric, a number format of NA doesn't guarantee you get back what you typed in, since R's default conversion may apply scientific notation and rounding.

To set number_format to a function, enclose the function in list. The function should take one argument and return a string. fmt_pretty() and fmt_percent() are useful shortcuts for common formatting functions.

See also

fmt_pretty() and fmt_percent().options("huxtable.long_minus") in huxtable-options for pretty-printing minus signs.

Other formatting functions: background_color(), bold(), font_size(), font(), na_string(), text_color()


ht <- huxtable(
        number_format = c(
        a = rep(1000, 6),
        b = rep(1000.005, 6),
        c = rep(0.0001, 6),
        d = rep(-1, 6),
        e = rep("3.2 (s.e. 1.4)", 6)

number_format(ht)[3, -1] <- NA
number_format(ht)[4, -1] <- 2
number_format(ht)[5, -1] <- "%5.2f"

number_format(ht)[6, -1] <- fmt_pretty()

number_format(ht)[7, -1] <- list(
        function(x) if (x > 0) "+" else "-"

right_border(ht) <- 1
bottom_border(ht)[1, ] <- 1

#>       number_for │        a │         b │          c │     d │ e          │
#>       mat        │          │           │            │       │            │
#>     ─────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼────────────┼───────┼────────────┤
#>       Default    │ 1e+03    │ 1e+03     │     0.0001 │ -1    │ 3.2 (s.e.  │
#>                  │          │           │            │       │ 1.4)       │
#>       NA         │  1000    │  1000.005 │ 1e-04      │ -1    │ 3.2 (s.e.  │
#>                  │          │           │            │       │ 1.4)       │
#>       2          │  1000.00 │  1000.00  │     0.00   │ -1.00 │ 3.20 (s.e. │
#>                  │          │           │            │       │ 1.40)      │
#>       "%5.2f"    │  1000.00 │  1000.00  │     0.00   │ -1.00 │ 3.20 (s.e. │
#>                  │          │           │            │       │ 1.40)      │
#>       Pretty     │ 1,000    │ 1,000.005 │     0.0001 │ -1    │ 3.2 (s.e.  │
#>                  │          │           │            │       │ 1.4)       │
#>       Sign       │     +    │     +     │     +      │  -    │ + (s.e. +) │
#> Column names: number_format, a, b, c, d, e

ht_bands <- huxtable("10000 Maniacs", autoformat = FALSE)
# probably not what you want:
#>                                  1e+04 Maniacs   
# fixed:
set_number_format(ht_bands, NA)
#>                                  10000 Maniacs