By default huxtables are printed using print_screen(). In certain cases, for example in Sweave documents, it may be useful to change this. You can do so by setting options("huxtable.print").

# S3 method for huxtable
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for huxtable
format(x, ..., output = c("latex", "html", "md", "screen", "rtf"))



A huxtable.


Options passed to other methods.


Output format. One of "html", "latex", "md", "screen" or "rtf".


print prints the huxtable and returns NULL invisibly.

format returns a string representation from to_latex(), to_html() etc.

See also

To change how huxtables are printed within knitr, see options("huxtable.knitr_output_format") in huxtable-options


if (FALSE) {
  # to print LaTeX output:
  options(huxtable.print = print_latex)

format(jams, output = "screen")
#> [1] "                              Type           Price  \n                              Strawberry      1.90  \n                              Raspberry       2.10  \n                              Plum            1.80  \n\nColumn names: Type, Price\n"
format(jams, output = "md")
#> [1] "-----------------------\n Type            Price \n----------- -----------\n Strawberry       1.90 \n                       \n Raspberry        2.10 \n                       \n Plum             1.80 \n-----------------------\n\n"