This is a convenience function to use in row or column specifications. In this context, stripe(n, from) will return from, from + n, ..., up to the number of rows or columns of the huxtable. evens and odds return even and odd numbers, i.e. they are equivalent to stripe(2, 2) and stripe(2, 1) respectively. everywhere returns all rows or columns, equivalently to stripe(1).

stripe(n = 1, from = n)

everywhere(ht, dimension)

evens(ht, dimension)

odds(ht, dimension)



A number (at least 1)


A number (at least 1)


An object with a dim attribute like a matrix or data frame.


Number of the dimension to use.


Technically, stripe returns a 2-argument function which can be called like f(ht, dimension). See rowspecs for details.

Until huxtable 5.0.0, stripe was called every. It was renamed to avoid a clash with purrr::every.


ht <- huxtable(a = 1:10, b = 1:10)
      evens, everywhere,
#>                                      a         b  
#>                                      1         1  
#>                                      2         2  
#>                                      3         3  
#>                                      4         4  
#>                                      5         5  
#>                                      6         6  
#>                                      7         7  
#>                                      8         8  
#>                                      9         9  
#>                                     10        10  
#> Column names: a, b
      stripe(3), everywhere,
#>                                      a         b  
#>                                      1         1  
#>                                      2         2  
#>                                      3         3  
#>                                      4         4  
#>                                      5         5  
#>                                      6         6  
#>                                      7         7  
#>                                      8         8  
#>                                      9         9  
#>                                     10        10  
#> Column names: a, b