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onetime 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-03

  • Not setting id explicitly is now deprecated with a warning. Doing this is brittle: it can lead to silent errors when you use onetime functions in more than one place.

  • New function onetime_mark_as_done() to manually mark an action as done.

  • New function onetime_dir("dirname") returns a path to an arbitrary subdirectory of the onetime base directory for lockfiles.

  • onetime_message_confirm() now prints its message by default in non-interactive sessions, along with instructions on how to hide the message using onetime_mark_as_done().

  • onetime_message_confirm() now passes multiple arguments to message() using .... This makes it easier to pass long messages. Using a named message argument is soft-deprecated.

  • onetime_only() gains a default argument which is returned by the wrapper function if the inner function was not called. The default default is NULL.

  • onetime_message() and friends all now return their results invisibly. This is nicer for use in rmarkdown documents.

  • onetime_do() now always returns invisibly, even when default is returned.

  • onetime_only() now respects the visibility of the wrapped function.

  • New vignette.

onetime 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-11-22

  • Initial release.