merge_across() creates multicolumn cells within each row. merge_down() creates multirow cells within each column.

merge_across(ht, row, col)

merge_down(ht, row, col)



A huxtable.


A row specifier. See rowspecs for details.


An optional column specifier.


The ht object.

Cell content

In merged cell ranges, only the top left cell's content is displayed. In addition, when you merge cells (either by setting colspan() or rowspan(), or using merge_cells() and friends) the content of the top left cell is copied to other cells. This prevents unexpected changes to content if you reorder or subset rows and columns.

See also

Other cell merging: merge_cells(), merge_repeated_rows()


ht <- as_hux(matrix(1:12, 4, 3, byrow = TRUE))
ht <- set_all_borders(ht, 1)
merge_across(ht, 2:4, 2:3)
#>                            ┌───────┬───────┬───────┐
#>                            │     1 │     2 │     3 │
#>                            ├───────┼───────┴───────┤
#>                            │     4 │          5    │
#>                            ├───────┼───────────────┤
#>                            │     7 │          8    │
#>                            ├───────┼───────────────┤
#>                            │    10 │         11    │
#>                            └───────┴───────────────┘
#> Column names: V1, V2, V3
merge_down(ht, 2:4, 2:3)
#>                            ┌───────┬───────┬───────┐
#>                            │     1 │     2 │     3 │
#>                            ├───────┼───────┼───────┤
#>                            │     4 │     5 │     6 │
#>                            ├───────┤       │       │
#>                            │     7 │       │       │
#>                            ├───────┤       │       │
#>                            │    10 │       │       │
#>                            └───────┴───────┴───────┘
#> Column names: V1, V2, V3