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This label style is user-friendly, but doesn't distinguish between left- and right-closed intervals. It's good for continuous data where you don't expect points to be exactly on the breaks.


  symbol = em_dash(),
  fmt = NULL,
  single = "{l}",
  first = NULL,
  last = NULL,
  raw = FALSE



String: symbol to use for the dash.


String, list or function. A format for break endpoints.


Glue string: label for singleton intervals. See lbl_glue() for details.


Glue string: override label for the first category. Write e.g. first = "<{r}" to create a label like "<18". See lbl_glue() for details.


String: override label for the last category. Write e.g. last = ">{l}" to create a label like ">65". See lbl_glue() for details.


[Deprecated]. Use the raw argument to chop() instead.


A function that creates a vector of labels.


If you don't want unicode output, use lbl_dash("-").

Formatting endpoints

If fmt is not NULL then it is used to format the endpoints.

  • If fmt is a string, then numeric endpoints will be formatted by sprintf(fmt, breaks); other endpoints, e.g. Date objects, will be formatted by format(breaks, fmt).

  • If fmt is a list, then it will be used as arguments to format.

  • If fmt is a function, it should take a vector of numbers (or other objects that can be used as breaks) and return a character vector. It may be helpful to use functions from the {scales} package, e.g. scales::label_comma().

See also

Other labelling functions: lbl_discrete(), lbl_endpoints(), lbl_glue(), lbl_intervals(), lbl_manual(), lbl_midpoints(), lbl_seq()


chop(1:10, c(2, 5, 8), lbl_dash())
#>  [1] 1—2  2—5  2—5  2—5  5—8  5—8  5—8  8—10 8—10 8—10
#> Levels: 1—2 2—5 5—8 8—10

chop(1:10, c(2, 5, 8), lbl_dash(" to ", fmt = "%.1f"))
#>  [1] 1.0 to 2.0  2.0 to 5.0  2.0 to 5.0  2.0 to 5.0  5.0 to 8.0  5.0 to 8.0 
#>  [7] 5.0 to 8.0  8.0 to 10.0 8.0 to 10.0 8.0 to 10.0
#> Levels: 1.0 to 2.0 2.0 to 5.0 5.0 to 8.0 8.0 to 10.0

chop(1:10, c(2, 5, 8), lbl_dash(first = "<{r}"))
#>  [1] <2   2—5  2—5  2—5  5—8  5—8  5—8  8—10 8—10 8—10
#> Levels: <2 2—5 5—8 8—10

pretty <- function (x) prettyNum(x, big.mark = ",", digits = 1)
chop(runif(10) * 10000, c(3000, 7000), lbl_dash(" to ", fmt = pretty))
#>  [1] 7,000 to 9,677 3,000 to 7,000 7,000 to 9,677 3,000 to 7,000 1,579 to 3,000
#>  [6] 3,000 to 7,000 7,000 to 9,677 3,000 to 7,000 1,579 to 3,000 1,579 to 3,000
#> Levels: 1,579 to 3,000 3,000 to 7,000 7,000 to 9,677