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Use "{l}" and "{r}" to show the left and right endpoints of the intervals.


  fmt = NULL,
  single = NULL,
  first = NULL,
  last = NULL,
  raw = FALSE,



A glue string passed to glue::glue().


String, list or function. A format for break endpoints.


Glue string: label for singleton intervals. See lbl_glue() for details.


Glue string: override label for the first category. Write e.g. first = "<{r}" to create a label like "<18". See lbl_glue() for details.


String: override label for the last category. Write e.g. last = ">{l}" to create a label like ">65". See lbl_glue() for details.


[Deprecated]. Use the raw argument to chop() instead.


Further arguments passed to glue::glue().


A function that creates a vector of labels.


The following variables are available in the glue string:

  • l is a character vector of left endpoints of intervals.

  • r is a character vector of right endpoints of intervals.

  • l_closed is a logical vector. Elements are TRUE when the left endpoint is closed.

  • r_closed is a logical vector, TRUE when the right endpoint is closed.

Endpoints will be formatted by fmt before being passed to glue().

Formatting endpoints

If fmt is not NULL then it is used to format the endpoints.

  • If fmt is a string, then numeric endpoints will be formatted by sprintf(fmt, breaks); other endpoints, e.g. Date objects, will be formatted by format(breaks, fmt).

  • If fmt is a list, then it will be used as arguments to format.

  • If fmt is a function, it should take a vector of numbers (or other objects that can be used as breaks) and return a character vector. It may be helpful to use functions from the {scales} package, e.g. scales::label_comma().

See also

Other labelling functions: lbl_dash(), lbl_discrete(), lbl_endpoints(), lbl_intervals(), lbl_manual(), lbl_midpoints(), lbl_seq()


tab(1:10, c(1, 3, 3, 7),
    labels = lbl_glue("{l} to {r}", single = "Exactly {l}"))
#>    1 to 3 Exactly 3    3 to 7   7 to 10 
#>         2         1         3         4 

tab(1:10 * 1000, c(1, 3, 5, 7) * 1000,
    labels = lbl_glue("{l}-{r}",
                      fmt = function(x) prettyNum(x, big.mark=',')))
#>  1,000-3,000  3,000-5,000  5,000-7,000 7,000-10,000 
#>            2            2            2            4 

# reproducing lbl_intervals():
interval_left <- "{ifelse(l_closed, '[', '(')}"
interval_right <- "{ifelse(r_closed, ']', ')')}"
glue_string <- paste0(interval_left, "{l}", ", ", "{r}", interval_right)
tab(1:10, c(1, 3, 3, 7), labels = lbl_glue(glue_string, single = "{{{l}}}"))
#>  [1, 3)     {3}  (3, 7) [7, 10] 
#>       2       1       3       4